
* More about support definitions, criteria and relationships

  • You need to hold boot key and power/reset the device to force boot from SD card,
  • Shutdown doesn’t work properly. It reboots the board.
  • Devices, which memory number begins with SEC710 K4B4G16, need to do.:
While we try best possible to test provided images flaws can happen. If you experience issues please report those. Until we're able to fix latest builds stick to older images from our archive.


1000tx 2GB 64bit 8 core UASP bluetooth docker eMMC wifi wireguard S5P 6818 Nexcell

* Specifications differ from hardware revision, model and software support level


We provide a selection of images that fits hardware best. If you need different image - use build framework and make whatever you need. Build framework relies on Debian and Ubuntu packages - you can build any combination - stable, old stable or rolling release.
Make sure you have a good & reliable boot media (SD card / USB key) and a proper power supply. Archives can be flashed with Etcher (all OS) directly. Insert the SD card into the slot, connect a cable to your network if possible or a display and power your board. (First) boot (with DHCP) takes a bit longer.

Support is provided in one of two ways: