  • There may be a known issue that could affect this board on some IPv4 only networks. Symptoms are variable, from intermittent drop-outs and slow-downs to total loss of one NIC or total loss of networking. The issue can be completely eliminated by disabling IPv6. Don’t try to do this through armbian-config this method does not work. IPv6 must be disabled by adding a line extraargs="ipv6.disable=1" to /boot/armbianEnv.txt

Server and IOT images with Armbian Linux v6.6

Build Date: Jul 25, 2024

Distro Type Extensions Torrent Integrity Size
Debian 12 (Bookworm) Minimal / IOT SHA    ASC 246.4MB
Ubuntu 24.04 (Noble) Server / CLI SHA    ASC 403MB
* Minimal images have very small footprint. They come only with essential packages and build-in systemd-networkd.
* Server / CLI images comes with Network Manager and include packages like armbian-config, armbian-zsh etc.
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1000tx 4 core 64bit UASP spi flash usb-c wireguard Rockchip RK3328

* Specifications differ from hardware revision, model and software support level