By Ricardo Pardini / General purposeNAS / 0 Comments

Odroid M1

Installation instructions:

  1. Write image to SD using BalenaEtcher.
  2. Boot from SD by holding the recovery (RCI) button while powering the board.
  3. Release RCY button after the blue LED flashes once.
  4. Once booted, use armbian-install to write u-boot to MTD (SPI flash). This completely and irrevocably removes Petitboot, replacing it with mainline u-boot.
  5. You can also install to NVMe, USB, or eMMC. NVMe or eMMC is recommended.
By Igor Pečovnik / General purposeIOTNASNetworkingDesktop / 0 Comments


Better then Ubuntu? No Canonical proprietary solutions. Better then Debian? More recent package base.

Better then both:

  • HiDPI support for GRUB and desktop (automated adjustments on big screen resolutions),
  • immutable firmware (kernel upgrade locked to additionally enhance stability),
  • kernel headers preinstalled (easy additional drivers install),
  • ZFS 2.2.2 ready (apt install zfsutils-linux zfs-dkms),
  • face unlock works perfectly (if your camera is supported),
  • additional (hibernation) power saving method comes pre-configured (since standby doesn't always works),
  • snapd is not installed (user can install it).

Installation to HDD/SSD drive is done by transferring live image to the target (sudo armbian-install).

By Igor Pečovnik / NetworkingDesktopGeneral purposeIOTNAS / 0 Comments

Intel / AMD

Better then Ubuntu? No Canonical proprietary solutions. Better then Debian? More recent package base.

Better then both:

  • kernel is maintained by Armbian and kernel community,
  • HiDPI support for GRUB and desktop (automated adjustments on big screen resolutions),
  • Intel graphics acceleration works out of the box,
  • preinstalled Google Chrome and Microsoft Visual Studio Code,
  • ZFS 2.2.4 ready (apt install zfsutils-linux zfs-dkms),
  • snapd is not installed (user can install it).

Installation to HDD/SSD drive is done by transferring live image to the target (sudo armbian-install). In case you want to install it to computer and keep Windows 10/11 (dual boot) you will need to disable "Secure Boot" in BIOS, disable BitLocker and shrink partition to make free space you need for Armbian Linux.