By Igor Pečovnik / IOTNASNetworkingDesktopGeneral purpose / 0 Comments

Intel / AMD

Better then Ubuntu? No Canonical proprietary solutions. Better then Debian? More recent package base.

Better then both:

  • kernel is maintained by Armbian and kernel community,
  • HiDPI support for GRUB and desktop (automated adjustments on big screen resolutions),
  • Intel graphics acceleration works out of the box,
  • preinstalled Google Chrome and Microsoft Visual Studio Code,
  • ZFS 2.2.4 ready (apt install zfsutils-linux zfs-dkms),
  • snapd is not installed (user can install it).

Installation to HDD/SSD drive is done by transferring live image to the target (sudo armbian-install). In case you want to install it to computer and keep Windows 10/11 (dual boot) you will need to disable "Secure Boot" / TPM in BIOS, disable BitLocker and shrink partition to make free space you need for Armbian Linux.